Thursday, July 2, 2009

well, thats enough bullshit for today

today, a handful of doctors met in a room to hammer out the details about my surgery. next week, im going to get a phone call. hopefully ill get good news about my surgery.

i moved my tomato to a bigger pot. i need to take pictures, but i havent really had the chance to get new batteries for my camera. the peppers are doing okay. some of them got sunburnt so i had to move them out of the direct sun.

medicaid won't pay for speech pathology. $200. >:-(

michael jackson is dead. on the first day, suddenly the whole media swithed their usual perspective of him and decided that they abosuletey love him, and all that matters is his musical legacy. Then, the next day, the same people in the media, were all saying they were "surprised" that he was being remembered this way. as if the public, people, had changed their opinions. the only people remembering any differently are the talking heads. fucking media. can't remember what they said yesterday.

well, thats enough bullshit for today


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